Android Unity Game Development Blog, Day 4: Flash… Aaaahhhhhh Defender Of The Universe!
What I did:
Lights, camera, action!
Today I created Flashing Hexagons:

I also played around with some lighting effects using the Unity Post Processing Package, including:
- Ambient Occlusion
- Bloom
- Color Grading
I added a few more tiles. I think the map was a little small, and given I’d like to start with 3 armies each, it might be a bit crowded to start off with. I also made the special tiles a bit smaller — when I placed the player avatar over the tiles they blocked the view of the player, which we can’t have.
Here’s what it looks like now. Notice the vivid color and more defined shadows:

What I learned:
Here’s how I created the Flashing Hexagon.
For the Lighting Effects, I literally followed this tutorial. The narrator does a fantastic job of sticking to the basics, and he has a French accent which is always pleasing to the ear!
What’s next:
I think I might get army movement going next.